“Eco-blackmail” is not how you deal with climate issues
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21 Looks like the other signatories to the Paris Accord believe ecological blackmail and piracy are the honorable…
Mueller, like Caesar’s wife MUST be beyond suspicion.
This is a disturbing development and may render any result suspect and not accepted. Remember how the Democrats turned on again, off again, then on again for Comey depending upon…
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of man? The Shadow Government do, and it is them!
A Shadow Government acting outside the law is real and not a conspiracy theory, and the harm caused will ripple in ways you cannot even imagine. I have often joked…
Caleb “Now therefore give me this mountain”.
If Joshua 13 was a reminder from God that being old does not stop us from doing the work that needs to be done, then Joshua 14 is a reminder…
Retirement – What’s in your future? What are your priorities?
I thought I would share a short comment on a Bible Verse which served as a lesson on retirement and continued responsibility and duty for us old folks found within…
Stories. Remember it’s the client’s story and not yours They make the journey, and you are their guide. This is what the jury needs to hear.
All great literature is one of two stories; a man goes on a journey or a stranger comes to town. Leo Tolstoy The journey story works for client’s who have…
Four Reasons, No Five Reasons, Why Sanctuary Cities Are a Dangerous Assault upon the United States
Four Repercussions from Sanctuary Cities that are being discounted and the doctrine of “unintended consequences.” This is not a question of compassion, but rather following the law. 1. Abrogation of…
A little lesson on medical care and how we pay for it.
“Uh-oh!” Estimated 23 million would lose health insurance under Republican bill: CBO This news story share that about 23 million would lose health insurance under the Congressional Budget Office analysis…
New Beginnings. This applies to you and me. To our leaders and to followers. Change and growth and comfort have been included in our DNA.
I thought of this verse this morning within the context of “new beginnings”. Breaking bad habits. Starting fresh Letting go of the “stuff” that’s anchoring all of us down. Then,…
Harvard Study Reveals The Print Media was Big League Negative on their Trump stories
Trump has been shouting “fake news” for some time now. This study reports some news outlets were as high as 93% negative in their reporting. He’s either really really bad,…