Subsidiary of the government-run British National Health Service has decided to bar obese patients and smokers from undgergoing hip and knee operations.
A story from Forbes’ Magazine. Admittedly pro-business, but objective and factually based. If you’ve been concerned about the fate of veterans’ health care in the U.S., look to its cousin…
The Statue of Liberty is a noble symbol representative of a caring and compassionate goal, but it is not our nation’s law. A line from a poem to those yearning to be free. But still just a line from a poem.
Some are relying upon the phrase that America is “melting pot” and the Statue of Liberty as support for a nation without borders, the establishment of sanctuary cities, limited restrictions,…
Link farming, feeds, and likes on Facebook
Link farming, feed clutter, and more. Like or unlike. Sad, wow or angry. These emotional responses have consequences. And who has not clicked away on them. Heck, I do not…
Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson (1824-1863). On war, duty, and faith.
Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson (1824-1863). On war, duty, and faith. Judges Chapter 7. “It is painful enough to discover with what unconcern they speak of war and threaten it. They…
“Even This Shall Pass Away” by Theodore Tilton as read by Thomas O’Bedlam
Poetry once so much a part of our lives as students seems to have taken a back seat to the events of today and the pleasures of the spirit. Novels…
Anecdotal evidence, confirmation bias, “I know a case ….”, and hiding the ball.
Anecdotal evidence aka “confirmation bias or cherry picking fallacy”. This is a debating and presentation trick used by so many. You see it when presidents point to individuals in the…
Our uneasy march to a socialistic and non capitalistic economy and state has a high price tag.
Thought for the day. Capitalism versus socialism. America versus Europe. What model do you believe has worked for 250 years? Which economic system is still in the wallows of the…
Judges, Chapter 6. Gideon, the Sixth Judge and “Mighty Warrior”
Judges, Chapter 6. Gideon, the Sixth Judge. 11 The angel of the Lord came and sat down under the oak in Ophrah that belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, where his…
Judges 5:1 (NIV) “On that day Deborah and Barak son of Abinoam sang this song:”
Judges 5:1 (NIV) “On that day Deborah and Barak son of Abinoam sang this song:” In Chapter 4, we saw the victory over the Canaanites led by Deborah and Barak.…
Archimedes got it right. Give me a place to stand, and I can move the world. In thought and deed and opinion.
This old Greek dude was a deeper thinker and philosopher with a timeless truth or two beyond what others might have imagined. There are so many ways that the news…