Edison and a 1914 Detroit Electric model 47 (courtesy of the National Museum of American History)

Despite its public relations efforts to clean up its image, Facebook still stealthily restricts the spread of any thoughts, opinions, or data that disputes or challenges its progressive agenda.

First, this post is civil and supported challenging the benefits of closing down the oil companies and pushing electric vehicles. Yet, I have had absolutely NO REACH YET.
Second, it slammed a note on top of this post with a “helpful” link to a page so you could find the temperature changes in your area.
Third, I have tried on two occasions to get their approval for “advertising” some of my posts. I submitted ALL the information and documents the anonymous person at FB requested. No response, no approval, no reaction, no help, no nothing.
Fourth, and this is a new one I had yet to notice. They limit me as the author from sharing this “page” post to my “personal” page.
And yet, they say they care about us.
Actions do speak louder than words.

And it would be nice if they responded to any of these concerns without a canned robotic answer. I have truly tried to make my posts this year to be acceptable, but I remain confined in the Gulag.

Here is an interest story of studies addressing the unintended consequences not yet reported in the news from electric vehicles’ pollution.

Chasing A Fantasy

Two articles appeared recently that illustrate quite plainly that such is where we are on EVs (Electric Vehicles.)

First, there is a recent study out of the UK indicating that EVs have more emission than internal combustion cars.  Of course, they are not from the tailpipe.  Nor is it the much-ballyhooed pollution of manufacturing and distribution of EVs – particularly the batteries.  No, these are tire based emissions.  It seems the added weight of those batteries and motors, in comparison to an IC vehicle, wears tires at a much faster rate.  Tire wear is PM10 emissions.  For the uninitiated, and the Cleveland Browns fan, PM10 stands for “Particulate Matter less than 10 microns.”  This is not a gaseous carbon emission; this is tiny particles around which smog forms.  The Clean Air Act identifies PM10 as a Categorical Emission (regulatory designation) and we have been working to control said emissions since the 1970’s.  The reason I can see the Pacific Ocean from my mountain home in Los Angeles County is because we have eliminated so many PM10 emissions.  Prior to the Clean Air Act, such a view was an impossibility due to the smog.  The elimination of PM10 emissions from the combustion of coal to heat London is also the reason the once fabled “London Fog” is now largely a thing of the past.  PM10 from tires is also largely a material called “Carbon Black.”  Therefore, it is a carbon emission, just not a gaseous carbon emission.

Maybe EVs are not the climate change panacea everybody thinks they are.

But the real killer article over the weekend was in the WSJ, “I Rented an Electric Car for a Four-Day Road Trip. I Spent More Time Charging It Than I Did Sleeping.