Customers are calling for a boycott of Bank of America, after a report that the bank handed over the account information of hundreds of innocent people in connection with the Jan. 6 deadly riots at the Capitol.

At the request of the FBI, the country’s second-largest bank allegedly snooped through information of anyone making certain purchases in and around Washington before and after the riots, and handed over the information of 211 people, according to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson.

Only one of those 211 people was brought in for questioning, and none of them were arrested, according to Fox’s report.

Federal investigators reportedly asked Bank of America for information on customers who made debit or credit card purchases in DC, reserved hotels and Airbnbs in and around the capital, patronized weapons store and made airline reservations within the timeframe surrounding the attacks.

Comments to the story.

“Those who would trade privacy for a bit of security deserve neither privacy nor security.” Benjamin Franklin
This is how the Bill of Rights, Liberty, Freedom, Truth, and Justice are plowed under.

I submit the barbarians are inside the walls of government and they actually hate us. And liberty and freedom are falling at the hands of those who breed fear and distrust of your friends and neighbors, who see the Constitution as a weapon used on the citizenry rather than a shield protecting us from governmental encroachment, and who use lies and untruths to make you cower in your homes.

Please seek clarity and perspective because there is a fine line between the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning.