For the sake of argument (and not to be banned by the social media acting in concert), let us assume there was no fraud perpetrated by anyone using the voting machines.
Some anomalies did occur and should not be doubted. Some “things” that need to be corrected to avoid the questions arising from this election and preserve the sanctity of everyone’s vote.
First. The single biggest problem this past election was raised over illegal votes, or at least the perception of illegally cast votes.
The easiest and most effective solution would be the establishment of a system to make sure the vote is from an eligible voter and that verifies it was that person voting.
Any honest and sincere person should want voting integrity.
The easiest way is proof of identity and eligibility when you register. None of this nearly anonymous completion of a voter registration form and dropping it in an unsecured box at the county clerk’s office.
Yes. A voter identification card with a photo to be used to vote in person or get your absentee ballot. No ID, no ballot, no vote. This eliminates the graveyard vote and other problems noted in this past election.
Second. A national election on a single day has been mandated by Congress as required in the Constitution. Not a day of Counting but a day of Casting the Vote. Absentee voting is an exception, not a way of life. Early voting over two weeks is not a good thing (as we saw how there were concerns about false surveys, ballot harvesting, impact from manipulation of news and social media.
Third. Social media impact can be reduced by counting the manipulation/contributions from biased algorithms, censoring, banning as-in-kind and reportable campaign contributions, AND having a limit. This dark money from the moneyed class effectively makes their votes count more than mine because of the darkness of their impact.
Fourth. More and better observers who are allowed to do their job. This is up to you and me. Next election, I plan to volunteer. My wife has been a poll worker for some years, but for some reason, the clerk’s office did not return her calls or the written submission she completed.
Fifth. Extend the no-campaigning zone to a hundred-plus yards to stop the visual barrage driving up to the voting station.
The goal is simple and one that even the least patriotic or rabid partisan should want – honest voting by eligible voters.
It preserves the right of every citizen of one person, one vote.
Yet. What do you hear about this at the national, state, and local levels? Not much. Odd since honest elections are the key to a democracy.