Dozens of the more than 700 unaccompanied minors who crossed the U.S.–Mexico border illegally and were transported to a shelter at the San DiegoConvention Center have tested positive for COVID-19, according to local and health officials cited in multiple media reports.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) told The Epoch Times on March 30 that 70 minors have tested positive. None have required hospitalization.

The girls who tested positive were removed from the other girls and kept in separate areas on a separate floor.

All minors are being tested before boarding transportation to the center.

The center currently has 723 children, and the maximum capacity is 1,450, an HHS spokesperson told The Epoch Times via email.

My thoughts.

  • He acts like a man with no faith. A Catholic who advocates abortion and still takes communion. Hmmm.
  • He acts like a moron whose border policy is inhumane and destroying America.
  • He spends tax money to fund projects favoring those who bought him and thinks we will not notice. But we see the debt burden facing our kids compounded by runaway inflation.
  • He talks tuff to the Chinese Communists, but has jelly for a backbone.
  • He sleeps with the elite and thinks he can hide under the covers.
  • He speaks to the nation like a third grader who lost his book report written by his kid sister.
  • And the jabs are endless because his failings are bottomless.
  • But using convention centers is abad plan that will only serve as super-spreaders of misery. Have they not heard of testing and isolating the infected before putting them in these breeding grounds. And yet, more convention centers are marked to spread the infections.
  • Yes, he broke that which was not broke- the border, immigration, the military, the oil, the Middle East peace, and more.
And what about all those who voted for Biden*? Ducks are ducks. The Dems have spewed the story that you who you vote for. Repent duckies