Reparations for slavery may well be today’s Political Pandora’s Box.

Did you know there were nearly 600,000 UNION CASUALTIES from the Civil War?

How would these Union casualties factor into the reparations discussion of a war a century and a half ago?

What about all the Civil Rights and Voting Rights legislation and court cases (abolishing separate but equal and bussing)?

Would John Marshall Harlan’s family get a pass from his dissent saying the Constitution is color blind or would Roger Tawney’s descendants carry a heavier burden to pay for his legal opinion fostering inferiority of the races?

And once you find one cause for reparations will the path end or move to another case for reparations?

Will reparations be money, acknowledgement, regret, apologies, etc?

Will there be forgiveness, national healing, or any resolution of today’s perceived ills? And when is enough enough?

Presentism is not without its problems in reexamining the past? Pandora’s Box unleashed many ills on the world, and some might say there are enough problems which have solutions that need to be addressed.

See, more.

And some more.