This old Greek dude was a deeper thinker and philosopher with a timeless truth or two beyond what others might have imagined.

There are so many ways that the news media and new age journalists can cause harm to the public. Not just fake news stories, but reports that are inadequately sourced, incomplete, unbalanced, unhinged, opinionated, biased, and selectively reported to the exclusion of other stories.

As Archimedes said “Give me a place to stand, and I can move the world.” He was talking about simple leverage in a physical sense.

But, this applies with equal if not more powerful effect in the realm of ideas, emotions, and public opinion. It matters where you stand, how far you distance yourself from the object, and how much and often you exert your force to avail the objectives you want and the people you wish to move to your will.

The Fourth Estate aka the Free Press is more critical today than it was at the Founding of our Republic. They are to keep government honest and check abuses. The press is NOT the government. Their opinions must be clearly stated. The goal is to move the public to the truth so they can decide on their own.

No propoganda. No hysteria. No chaos. No yelling fire in a crowded theater.

The new age press is not a free press anymore. The press has been bought and paid for by powerful interests with biases, angles, and agenda of their own. Truth has been the first casualty.

Dea Riley is a solid thinker. Her following post should give you pause if you are accepting everything you hear from one source, the left, or the right.

Read it. Examine it. And think about whether the sources you have been relying upon have abused your trust, misled you for their purposes, and taken advantage of your trust, beliefs and faith.

Socrates said that an unexamined life is not worth living. This is not a case of do or die, but rather are you a lemming, a leader, or your own person.