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If this bothers you little or not at all.

If you are blinded by partisanship or self-interests.

If your hate for a single person is greater than your love of country.

Then I would suggest you pause and take a relook at what you really do believe in.

“Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.”  Supreme Court Justice and Louisville Native Louis D. Brandeis Term: June 1, 1916 – February 13, 1939.  Born: November 13, 1856.  Died:  October 5, 1941 (aged 84).
It concerns me (the writer of this post.  not Justice Brandeis) that many are so impassioned about all things Obama that they are blind to hard facts and uncomfortable truths. There is no reason that the unmasking materials should be hidden away for years when they could lead to revelations of those who were watched incidentally and without a warrant.  The spying may be unwarranted, and the unmasking of their names may be criminal.
People concerned about honest, integrity, and transparency should look at the deed and not the potential perpetrators. People concerned about our government should follow the facts no matter where they lead.
I do.
For the simple reason, wrong is wrong. The rule of law applies to all, and the rich and powerful, regardless of party partisanship and politics should NOT be above the law. Equal justice means all get those same protections, and not just the ones with whom you agree.
If this hiding of the truth and forcing this national nightmare to continue longer than it needs to be is of no concern to you, then enjoy the koolaid and the blessings of liberty and freedom that our soldiers and the rest of us have provided for you as we shoulder the burden of democracy, civil liberties and constitutional protections under a rule of law, not men.