It seems so much easier to stop everything than build up something.

Frustrating the will of the majority for the sole purpose of defeating a president and get their peeps elected in November seems a bit inconsistent with the manner in which the ACA was originally passed during the Obama Administration.

These arcane voting rules to allow the minority party which has not even proposed an adjustment or fix to the ACA, much less a new program, and thus allowed health care insurance to go beyond the reach of many contrary to the Democrat’s promise is an affront to democracy, the citizens, and the Constitution. Majority rule, limited filibuster, limited opportunity to ask questions and debate should be the norm now.

The Democratic leadership in the Senate came down on the wrong side of the original passage of Obamacare by a midnight rollout with no debate and a forced passage by its supermajority. Now the Democratic leadership proposes a flip side of the absolute response of roadblocking the Republican health care plan from getting to a vote.
Both ways are wrong. Situational ethics to get what you want following the ends justify the means was wrong then and it is wrong now.

When the health plan comes out of the Senate Committee, I do hope there is a period to read the bill followed by a limited debate/discussion that does not droll on for weeks but is limited in time and duration, combined with a written remark to be added to the record.

This video shows they know the problem, they know the need, and yet they have been AWOL with a plan for oh so many years.  And now on the eve following those who have worked in earnest to serve the needs to the American people (as opposed to play to the prejudices with sound bites), they say let’s get together.  Disingenuous, lack sincerity, and do you believe with a track record as such they will actually have a plan (which would be revealed if so at the last minute) and a sincere desire to compromise?  Don’t think so.

Here is a link to a US News and World Report Story to help give more information.