Four Reasons, No Five Reasons, Why Sanctuary Cities Are a Dangerous Assault upon the United States
Four Repercussions from Sanctuary Cities that are being discounted and the doctrine of “unintended consequences.” This is not a question…
looking for questions to answers that bother me so
Four Repercussions from Sanctuary Cities that are being discounted and the doctrine of “unintended consequences.” This is not a question…
“Uh-oh!” Estimated 23 million would lose health insurance under Republican bill: CBO This news story share that about 23 million…
I thought of this verse this morning within the context of “new beginnings”. Breaking bad habits. Starting fresh Letting go…
Trump has been shouting “fake news” for some time now. This study reports some news outlets were as high as…
When government fails to act and create a leadership vacuum, then things happen. It happened in Europe with a lesson…