Rule of Law or Rule of Convenience?
Ah, the Constitution—remember that relic? The one requiring laws to be followed, funds to be properly appropriated, and the executive to actually execute? Cute idea. Too bad Democrats treat it as a speed bump while scrambling like arsonists fighting over a fire extinguisher to cover up Biden’s spending spree. When anyone suggests tightening the purse strings, they clutch their pearls and cry about legal obligations—funny how that only applies when taxpayer money is flowing their way. But why object to saving public funds? When your budget includes slush money and backroom payoffs that would make Menendez blush, transparency becomes a liability.
Enter the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE)—shockingly, someone decided to do their job—uncovering billions in fraud, waste, and abuse. That money now has to be clawed back. But here’s the real kicker: if fraud is rampant and billions have been wrongly paid out, how are we supposed to assume any of this administration’s spending was legally sound?
A Constitution That Requires Competence
Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution requires the president to take an oath to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States” and to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution.” That oath assumes the officeholder has the cognitive ability to execute the job. But the 25th Amendment, Section 4 exists for a reason—to prevent an incapacitated president from becoming a figurehead while others pull the strings.
And yet, that’s precisely what happened.
We all saw it. The frail man who campaigned from a basement wasn’t a brilliant strategist but a political prop. Handlers whispered what to say, guided him offstage, and ensured he signed whatever they put in front of him. Some call it elder abuse. Others say his Cabinet knew and did nothing—despite their sworn duty to uphold the Constitution, which includes removing an unfit president. But that would have been inconvenient for their agenda, so they let him sign away trillions.
This brings us to the question no one dares ask: Is a President presumed to be fit for office and the have legal capacity to perform his duties simply because he’s breathing? Claiming a positive in the absence of a negative is a perversion of logic and a denial of what we have all seen and been lied to.
Under contract law, a signer must have legal capacity to understand the nature and consequences of their actions. Courts routinely invalidate contracts signed by mentally incompetent individuals. Yet Biden’s signature on a trillion-dollar expenditure is supposed to be untouchable?
The Rubber Stamp Presidency
If fraud is confirmed and incompetence is evident, does Biden’s signature even hold legal weight? At what point does a president—who forgets his own staff, wanders off stage, and asks dead congresswomen to stand up—become nothing more than a rubber stamp for unchecked, possibly criminal, spending?
If Biden were the CEO of a major corporation, the board would have forced him out years ago. His financial decisions would be under court review if he were a private citizen. So why should the American people be expected to accept the legitimacy of his approval for trillions of dollars in expenditures?
And now, the same people who ignored the Constitution for four years are suddenly lecturing us on the rule of law, tossing it around like a magic spell that erases their own corruption. The same party that sued states to block voter ID laws, ignored immigration laws, and looked the other way on blatant financial mismanagement now insists that everything was above board?
It’s not rule of law. It’s rule of convenience.
Pharisees, Sadducees, and the Law of Convenience
Nothing new under the sun. The religious elite of Jesus’ time—Pharisees and Sadducees—twisted the law to serve themselves. They enforced rules to maintain power, not to uphold justice.
Jesus called them out directly:
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You pay a tenth of mint, dill, and cumin, and yet you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy, and faithfulness… You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence… You are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of the bones of the dead and every kind of impurity.” — Matthew 23:23–28 (CSB)
They loved appearances. They wanted the honor of their position but none of the responsibility. They burdened others with laws they had no intention of following.
Sound like anyone in Washington?
Not Just Rule of Law—Governing Law
The Constitution demands more than just a warm body in the Oval Office. It requires an actual executive, not a placeholder. If fraud and incompetence invalidate a citizen’s will, contract, or financial agreement, shouldn’t the same standard apply to the most powerful office in the land?
This isn’t just about holding one man accountable. It’s about whether the laws of this country still mean anything.
If Biden lacked the capacity to sign trillion-dollar spending bills, then those signatures should be challenged. Plus executive orders, laws, and those future pardons. They played a dark game and
Fraud doesn’t become legal because it was written on White House stationery.
“For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.”
— Hosea 8:7 (KJV)
This passage warns of the consequences of corrupt actions—those who sow injustice, deceit, or lawlessness will face destruction. The imagery is powerful: what begins as a small act of wrongdoing escalates into uncontrollable chaos.
This post was prompted by a headline. I have not read their thoughts. I am curious of their take. Here is the link.