Gaslighting a Nation: How the Virtueless Fall for Lies
John Adams warned, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” He understood that self-governance depends on self-discipline. Without virtue, freedom rots from within. James Madison echoed this truth: “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” But men are not angels. Power tempts. Corruption spreads. And when virtue disappears, liberty follows.
The Founders built this nation on freedom—hard-won, carefully structured, and fiercely protected. But they knew liberty could not sustain itself. The Constitution created a government of laws, not men, securing order while safeguarding rights. Yet laws mean nothing when leaders refuse to enforce them. When virtue is discarded, lawlessness runs amok, and cities burn.
Thomas Jefferson warned of this danger: “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” An uneducated, uninformed people are the easiest to deceive. When truth is distorted, when reality is rewritten, those without virtue become puppets in the hands of the powerful.
Gaslighting America: The Death of Law and Order
Sanctuary cities stand as proof. The term sounds noble, but in practice, it means harboring criminals and sacrificing the innocent. These cities defy federal law, shield violent offenders, and force law-abiding citizens to live in fear. The people become hostages to corruption, their voices silenced by leaders who protect criminals over their constituents.
But the real danger isn’t just the lawlessness—it’s the gaslighting. Psychological warfare is being waged against the American mind. Leaders tell citizens that crime is down when it’s skyrocketing. They call riots “peaceful protests.” They say shoplifting sprees are just “economic desperation.” They tell victims of violent crime they must “understand” their attackers.
This is psywar—undermining confidence in reality, making people question what they see with their own eyes. The virtueless are the easiest to manipulate. They accept chaos as the new “normal”.
And what has been the result?
- Murder rates rise. Victims pile up, while officials downplay the crisis.
- Theft is unpunishable. Stores are looted in broad daylight. Those who resist are prosecuted, not the criminals.
- Drug abuse spreads. Fentanyl pours across open borders, killing tens of thousands yearly.
- Communities collapse. Families once proud of their neighborhoods now watch them rot under crime and neglect.
- The American dream vanishes. Hardworking citizens see their savings drained, their homes devalued, their futures stolen.
Cotton Mather foresaw this centuries ago: “Religion begat prosperity, and the child, prosperity, begets corruption and eats its mother.” A nation that abandons virtue will devour itself.
Citizens Aiding Criminals: When Vice Becomes a Virtue
Worse still, some Americans now aid and abet this lawlessness. Churches, businesses, and private homes have become sanctuaries—not for the oppressed, but for those who broke the law to get here. Many are criminals in their own countries—murderers, traffickers, gang members—who now find safe harbor in our cities. They break the law here, too. Those who shield them are accomplices.
And yet, those who expose this reality are vilified. The gaslighting continues.
- Sanctuary cities are called “compassionate.” But they allow violent criminals to roam free.
- Aiding illegal immigration is called “humanitarian.” But it fuels trafficking and suffering.
- Defunding the police is called “reform.” But it leaves the innocent defenseless.
- Letting criminals walk free is called “equity.” But it destroys communities.
This is psychological warfare. Flood the system with contradictions. Condition people to believe crime isn’t crime. Train them to see law enforcement as the enemy and criminals as victims.
The methods are old, but they work. The Bolsheviks used them to destabilize Russia. Mao used them to break China’s resistance. Today, they are used to divide and demoralize America. The tactic is simple: gaslight the weak, ridicule the strong, and silence the wise.
The Collapse of Virtue: How the Gullible Become Enslaved
The Constitution was designed to secure liberty, but it cannot protect a people who refuse to protect themselves. Virtue is not optional—it is the lifeblood of a republic. Without it, we are not self-governing; we are ruled by those who exploit our apathy.
We have seen virtue abandoned in every corner of society:
- Schools no longer teach truth. History is rewritten, morality is subjective, and discipline is called oppression.
- Churches no longer stand firm. Many trade biblical truth for political activism, choosing ideology over salvation.
- Leaders no longer defend the nation. They refuse to secure the border, protect criminals instead of citizens, and mock those who demand justice.
- Media no longer reports facts. It manipulates, distorts, and silences those who expose the truth.
This is not the America the Founders envisioned. This is not what generations fought and died to preserve. A republic cannot survive when its people embrace lawlessness, its leaders reject justice, and its citizens enable their own destruction.
John Adams was right. Our Constitution cannot function without a moral people. A nation that abandons virtue will not remain free. A people who tolerate lawlessness will soon find themselves enslaved—not by foreign enemies, but by their own corruption.
The American dream is slipping away. The choice is ours—restore virtue, or watch liberty die.