After the Cold War, the world patted itself on their proverbial backsides congratulating themselves for shrinking nuclear arsenals.
Treaties were signed, missiles were dismantled, and we told ourselves, “Crisis averted!”
Fast forward, and that optimism has gone the way of fallout shelters—obsolete and ignored.
Now, treaties are collapsing, nuclear powers are playing arms-race bingo, and tactical nukes are back in vogue, because nothing says “win the war” like the world’s tiniest apocalypse. The fear of nukes spreading to rogue states isn’t just a bedtime story anymore—it’s knocking on the door like an unwelcome relative.
It’s almost as if we’ve collectively decided to reboot Dr. Strangelove. The playbook is dusted off, the absurdity is replaced with grim determination, and the bomb is back as the show’s star. This time, there’s no punchline—just the sound of ticking countdowns.
Welcome to the new arms race. If this is the sequel, it’s shaping up to be a box office disaster.
(Sourced: The Wall Street Journal)