“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” – Abraham Lincoln

Three separate polls point to a single theme: Americans feel ignored by the current administration.

  1. The Economy: Gallup reports that the economy remains the most critical issue for voters as we approach the next election. The majority say it will heavily influence their choice. Yet, economic policies from the Biden administration have left many feeling uncertain about their future.
  2. Party Shift: The Wall Street Journal highlights a significant shift in party identification. For the first time in decades, more voters now identify as Republicans, signaling a potential structural advantage for the GOP in the coming elections.
  3. Immigration Concerns: A poll by The Atlantic and YouGov reveals that immigration has become a top priority for Americans, with the number of people favoring decreased immigration nearly doubling since 2020. This rapid growth in concern reflects dissatisfaction with current border policies.

These issues—economic instability, party realignment, and immigration—are shaping our nation’s future. As voters, our choices will reflect our values. It’s up to us to ensure that power remains in the hands of the people, as Proverbs 11:14 (NIV) wisely advises: “For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.” Wise counsel is critical for the stability and success of our nation.

The Biden-Harris Administration’s Missteps

Despite these concerns, the Biden-Harris administration has dismantled the procedures and protections established under the Trump administration, particularly regarding immigration. As border control becomes a top concern, Vice President Harris is now ampaigning on a “New Way” for border policy. But this same “New Way” was supposed to be her responsibility for over three years. She repeatedly assured us that the border was secure, yet failed to even visit the area during her tenure.

If a leader has been misleading the public for years, why should we expect change now, especially when the stakes are our votes? Once they’re in office again, we’re stuck with their policies.

As the song “Won’t Get Fooled Again” reminds us, let’s learn from the past. The power belongs to the people—let’s make sure we keep it there.

Word Count: 298
Reading Time: ~2 minutes

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