Seeing everything new through the eyes of a child is marvelous and beautiful.

For that reason, I thought some Bible Stories would be a chance to see the wonder in their eyes and renew that newness for us.

Here are some Bible Stories written for a child, taking us through the creation of the world through the Ascension of Jesus.

**Chapter 1: The Beginning of Everything **

Once upon a time, before there were stars in the sky before mountains touched the clouds, and before the oceans waved hello, there was nothing. But then, something extraordinary happened. God decided to create a beautiful world, a masterpiece unlike any other.

On the very first day, God said, “Let there be light!” and just like that, light shone bright, chasing away all the darkness. Can you imagine the very first morning, with the first rays of the sun peeking over the horizon?

Then, God created the sky, a vast blue canvas stretched far and wide. On the third day, God painted the land with rolling hills, vast plains, and towering mountains. He added a splash of green, creating grass, flowers, trees, and all sorts of plants. Imagine fields of flowers in every color dancing in the breeze!

On the fourth day, God hung twinkling stars in the night sky, set the bright sun to rule the day, and the gentle moon to light the night. He made the sky a grand stage for the sun to rise and set, painting the sky with morning blues, evening purples, and sunset oranges.

Then came the creatures of the sea and sky. God filled the oceans with fish of every shape and size, from tiny shimmering minnows to great blue whales. In the sky, He let loose birds with feathers of every color, soaring high and singing sweet melodies.

But God wasn’t done yet! On the sixth day, He created animals for the land—furry rabbits, majestic lions, towering giraffes, and countless others. The land became a bustling neighborhood of creatures, each unique and special.

Finally, God created something very special—people, like you and me. He made us to enjoy and take care of this wonderful world He created. We were given the mountains to climb, the oceans to explore, and the gardens to tend.

And after all this, on the seventh day, God looked around at everything He had made, and do you know what He thought? He thought it was very, very good. Then, God rested, showing us the importance of taking a break and enjoying the beautiful world around us.

**Learning Point:** Just like God took care in creating every flower, animal, and star, we should take care of the world around us. Remember to admire the beauty in everything, from the tiniest bug to the tallest tree, and help keep it all beautiful!

**Verse to Remember:** Genesis 1:31 – “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”

Can you think of ways to take care of our wonderful world? Maybe by planting a new tree, helping to clean up a beach, or simply enjoying a sunset, we can all be caretakers of this beautiful planet. Just like in our story, let’s make our world a place where everything is “very good.”

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