With Russia’s back against the wall, its military weakened, and its economy on the brink, Russia remains a nuclear-armed fuel pump. Now, the risk of oil disasters in the Arctic is skyrocketing with each non-reinforced tanker plowing through the icy waters. In a contentious move, Russia greenlit the passage of oil tankers, not equipped for icy conditions, through its perilous Northern Sea Route. This decision aims to redirect its energy exports to Asia amidst sanctions. In August, two such tankers were given the nod for the treacherous 3,500-mile journey along Russia’s icy coastline. Setting sail for China in early September, these vessels navigated one of Earth’s most hazardous icy passages, alarmingly distant from any oil spill response mechanisms.

As Charlie Kronick from Greenpeace UK aptly puts it, “Sea ice is unpredictable and maintaining routes is challenging. Using these ill-equipped tankers only intensifies the already looming threat of a calamity.” (Source: ft.com)

Does anyone remember the Exxon Valdez Spill in Alaska?