The banner line above my blog says “looking for questions to answers that bother me so.” This is a bit of a switcheroo-play on words from a Jimmy Buffet song He Went to Paris “looking for answers to questions that bothered him so.” I will be revising my banner graphic soon to reflect that phrase.

In the meantime, I have been sitting and gathering some wool with questions on a few historical anecdotes over some regime changes, revolutions, Marxism, and how the optimism of change ends up in death for some. The good news is America did not have a Marxist change and heads did not roll. 

That’s good.

There is more than one way to get a change in government. History may not always repeat itself, but it does frequently rhyme.

In America, we did it in the American Revolution.

The South attempted to secede in the Civil War.

Hitler did it over years when the little corporal snuck in with a created crisis by bombing the Reichstag (center of German Government) and having scapegoats.

Then there is Lenin and Russia.

And there are so many more.

Can you recall any revolution that was fared better than the American Revolution? Neither can I.

Can you recall how often the revolution was a Marxist/Communist/Socialist solo? And the results were death, destruction, and dystopia? Yeah. Lots., including the heads of state? Too many.

Think Entire Romanov Family murdered in the middle of nowhere in Russia; King Charles I beheaded in the “Glorious Revolution” in England.

All this came to mind as a reminder of what happened on this day, August 10, 1792. Way back then the French Revolution followed the American Revolution. But where ours succeeded, France’s revolution not only failed but was replaced by the Reign of Terror and the guillotine the guillotine.

Then on this day in 1792, King Louis XVI and his wife, Marie-Antoinette, were imprisoned and eventually guillotined.

I supply these few historical facts for #perspective and #clarity in the rapidly changing events of today.

We have death, destruction, and dystopia in many urban cities where the Democrats have been in power for decades.

And what domestic terrorist organizations come to mind in the planning and orchestration of the death and destruction?

Now connect the dots of cause and effect and look down the road this takes us.

Death, destruction.

And who defunded the police while this lawlessness was running amuck?

Conduct has consequences. I see a terrible part played by these enabling politicians.

Hopefully, some will add events that they think are “concerning” for revolutionary developments.

I will help you with one. The ever-shrinking middle class is facing the loss of civil rights and liberties, decreasing purchasing power thru the hidden tax of inflation.

This will hopefully raise questions you can present in a comment. There are NO STUPID QUESTIONS. And questions prompt further questions, clarify your thoughts and opinions, give you new information.

That is how Socrates did it. A bit of a gadfly who suffered the ultimate censorship – fake trial followed by conviction and execution by a cup of hemlock.