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“Authorities in Texas have begun arresting illegal immigrants along the U.S.-Mexico border on trespassing charges, according to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has blamed the Biden administration for the surge in illegal immigration and has put in motion his own border security plan to crack down on illegal crossings.” July 23, 2021 | Tom Ozimek
The federal government does not enforce the immigration law, the illegals refuse to enter through the appropriate checkpoints.
Since the Biden Administration chooses to block Cubans leaving a repressive regime to enter Florida, we, at least know, the Biden Administration is aware of our immigration laws. Just refuse to follow his oath of office to execute the laws he has sworn to uphold. (Just a thought… remember when a phone call was impeachable).
Yet, a million plus unscreened, unregulated, and many Covid Carriers, Drug Couriers, Convicted Felongs nd MS13 Gang Members are being permitted entry, then the state and local governments can be stopped and arrested for trespassing private property to prevent injury to American Citizens, children, and damage/theft to private property.
Thumbs up to law enforcement enforcing law to protect us. /coming through the states are now enforcing local laws to provide safety and security.

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