Big tech needs to be smacked down. We all know their “fact checking” is just another name for “censorship” of opinions they do not like.

Yet, they have been doing it for years, and went “full monty” in this election.

Giggle did it with controlling your search results by directing you to pro-Biden sites listed on the first page and putting your pro-Biden results hidden in the back pages. I did the same search on Duck*Duck*go and Giggle confirming this was accurate. Such “in kind” contributions should be accounted for with the Federal Election Commission to show the extent of the problem, the impact, and need for better reporting of this dark money support.

Fakebook influenced the election by “censoring” via “facechecking” posts, pasting warnings on views they did not like, restricting political ads and boosted ads, and limiting the audiences of posts they disagreed with. Plus Sucker*Bug spent billions to set up “centers” to provide “support” in key areas of the swing states.

Twister banned, banned, and censored stuff on the sly too.

With all the surveys and games and searches made, tons of meta data were accumulated on individuals which artificial intelligence or other means digested and spit out useful information to be used against Americans. The Chinese Communist Party are the best at this, and it would not be unexpected if the Giggle, Fakebook, an Twister can do the same since the use of metadata that we give to them freely are used to our detriment.

Besides a Congressional investigation with transparency in proceedings and transparency of action via C-Span is a critical start, we all know already that their Section 230 exemption from legal action enabled them to first survive, then prosper, then control those they serve for self interests MUST END IMMEDIATELY.

I previously discussed a three step change of removing the limitations on people power such as 230 exemption, arbitration, and class action.

But there is another way with easily enforceable stanards of no censoring of information that is not unlawful. Period. And the following image shows that Poland is leading the way.

So subtle, but so rampant. Dark money, dark social media, dark, darker, darkest.

And here comes Poland leading the way so easily and forthrightly.

Their Justice Minister has proposed the following law.

“Under its provisions, social media services will not be allowed to remove content or block accounts if the content on them does not break Polish law.
In the event of removal or blockage, a complaint can be sent to the platform, which will have 24 hours to consider it.

Within 48 hours of the decision, the user will be able to file a petition to the court for the return of access. The court will consider complaints within seven days of receipt and the entire process is to be electronic.”

Click here for the story.