Just a reminder that it takes time to accumulate evidence and that the window between now and certification of the results by each state is very small with a difficult burden to meet for reversing the results.

So it would be nice if the pundits would quit spouting off their half-baked opinions when their media investigators are sitting behind their desks and not going out in the field. Shameful disservice to us all.

I would say to them it is my vote and not yours so let the process work.But first and foremost is the need for us to find out the causes of why we have had two consecutive elections with so many finding fault in the process. AKA the losers screaming that they were robbed.

First the Democrats blamed the Russian Collusion, and now the Republicans blame the Democratic Machines.

The challenges in court will accumulate evidence (witnesses and materials) in support of a remedy to overturn, recount, audit, etc.

Although I have serious reservations about this being a fraud free election and that there may be enough hard and fast proof to meet the burden, I most assuredly believe that the process is broken and in need of repair.

Open and inquisitive minds should agree the process is now broke, and those who don’t see it have, IMHO, questionable motives and reasons.

Probably the worst is there are those folks just wanting to get it behind us and kick it down the road. But I, for one, cherish my vote and want it to count – no more and no less than the vote of anyone else lawfully entitled to vote.

We will need soon the fruit of these court cases which should provide a great start for our state and federal legislative bodies to find who, what, why, and how the most critical part of a democracy got broken.

One person. One vote. Period.