Comey – Disgraceful

Although I am disappointed that the AG Barr aka “Honey Badger” is giving a few of the DOJ/FBI types a pass on criminal prosecution (for now, at least), I accept it because Honey Badger knows, is in charge, and has plans to right these wrongs. And Durham is on the hunt of the investigators with subpoena power. PS. I almost forgot the rest of the IG’s report will address the FISA warrants which was based upon an admittedly unverified and salacious material paid for by an opposition party with the application putatively verified (eg., sworn to as being accurate and reliable).

But you got to admit that an attorney (Comey) leaking confidential conversations with the President is really, really disgusting. No excuse, and does anyone know which state he has his law license? Nothing stops a whole bunch of attorneys sending copies of that portion of the IG Horowitz Report dealing with Comey to his state bar or bars for administrative action.

In any event, I think there is more out there on Comey and his Cronies who tried to bring down a government, change the results of an election, lied and leaked nonstop, made false statements to the FISA Court, etc. with the grand jury investigation by US Attorney John Durham. I can see no need to duplicate or interfere with Durham’s efforts solely from an administrative investigation. Premature criminal charges could cause premature invoking of privileges; and rather than rely on the non-lawyer in-house stuff done by Horowitz it would be best and much more acceptable by the public and the resistance to defer to the other Honey Badger who ain’t afraid of nothing — John Durham.

BTW did you catch Comey’s childish and petulant statement that all those who defamed him owed him an apology? Wow.

For more on Comey and Five Takeaways from the IG Report by the Hill, then click here.

And even better is a story from the Wall Street Journal on Sneaky Leaky James Comey —— Click here.